MARKET Grasscutter is considered a delicacy within our environment and there's hardly enough to meet demand. In addition there's an increase in foreign demand for the animal especially from Asian market. RISK The risk level of cane rat farming is low compared to other livestock. The input is low and returns is high as they are very prolific animals and require little care when compared to other livestock. FEEDING For every livestock farming feeding cost usually surmount to about 70% of running cost. Which is what makes grasscutter farming attractive. The cost of feeding is really low as they feed on anything vegetable. They would eat elephant or napier grass, guinea grass, congo grass, gamba, alfalfa which are all readily available in our environment. They would equally eat tubers such as cassava, sweet potatoes, yams, fruits such as pawpaw, banana, plantain, corncobs sugar cane, hydroponic fodder, formulated concentrate feeds etc. Cheaper was of feeding grasscutt...