Rabbit meat production has been growing in Nigeria in recent few years. Oryctolagus cuniculus is the one of the tasty meat producing ones than all domestic animals. In addition to this, rabbits have a number of other characteristic features that make them the most suitable animals in the permaculture system. The feed stock for rabbits in drought prone areas becomes a problem. Grooming healthy rabbits with low cost and available herbal inputs is the viable option.
Protective effects on rat kidneys with administration of aqueous-ethanolic extract of moringa oleifera leaves were evaluated. This was compared with gentamycin-induced renal injury in rabbits. This study indicated that aqueous-ethanolic extract of moringa oleifera leaves could lessen renal injury in rabbits treated with gentamycin, by restraining lipid peroxidation.
Four experimental diets were prepared for this study. Diet 1 was marked as T1, which served as the control diet and no moringa oleifera leaf meal. Diet 2 as T2, Diet 3 as T3, and Diet 4 as T4, each one having moringa oleifera leaf meal at the levels of 5%, 10% and 15% respectively. Low level of hemoglobin levels of rabbits on the treatment diets is how that the dietary proteins were not of high quality. These leaves have essential amino acids, which are of higher quality.
This reveals that the animals responded positively to the test diet given to them. Red Blood cell indices (MCH, MCV and MCHC) are important morphological features to find out anemic conditions. Leucocytes take up a defensive function in the body system, specifically when they enter the body tissues. Number of WBCs below the normal range refers anaphylactic shock, allergic conditions and certain parasitism. Elevated values indicate the existence of recent infection usually with bacteria.
Eosinophils, neutrophils, basophils, lymphocytes and monocytes levels were not significantly affected by dietary treatments. This indicates normal physiology of the animals fed with this tree leaf meal. Abnormal values of hematological parameters show anemia, parasite infections and low protein intake. As total protein, albumin and globulin are generally influenced by the quality and quantity of the dietary protein intake.
Values obtained in the study indicate nutritional adequacy of the dietary protein. In serum glucose, cholesterol, urea and creatinine levels, there was no remarkable changes. This indicates that the dietary protein of moringa oleifera leaf meal has been effectively used by the rabbits. No significant effect of diet on, alanine amino transferase (ALT) alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate amino transferase (AST) levels indicates that moringa leaf extracts treatments are free from side effects on health status of rabbits.


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